Medical market research

The healthcare market is one of the fastest growing industries. The ever increasing competition requires its participants to regularly conduct business research and analyses. Our company has over 12 years of experience in cooperating with health centers and scientific institutions.

Marketing research, and medical market analysis is conducted by participants such as:

  • Physicians;
  • Representatives of medical staff;
  • Reception staff;
  • patients;
  • Medical representatives;
  • Managers of hospitals and other medical facilities;
  • Opinion leaders;
  • Manufacturers of medical equipment.

What areas of the medical market do we examine?

Our company undertakes in particular the implementation of quantitative and qualitative research projects for marketing campaigns. We investigate the need to purchase medical products by target consumers, as well as the use of health and beauty services. The knowledge we provide is invaluable in its ability to support the planning stages of a communication strategy and the positioning of a brand. We have in our possession an extensive database of doctors and patients, which allows us to recruit participants in a short time.


Biostat®’s support also helps identify demand before launching new services, products and medical equipment. We analyze the competitive environment, as well as monitor and predict key trends for industry development. We also investigate political and legal conditions.

Our medical market research offer includes:

  • Opinion and patient satisfaction research;
  • Advertising and other promotion channels research;
  • Study of distribution channels;
  • Analysis of a new product’s potential before launching them;
  • Research prior to expanding the scope of activity;
  • Industry secondary data analysis;
  • Testing of medical products and their prototypes;
  • Packaging concepts study;
  • Patient segmentation;
  • Study of brand image awareness;
  • Marketing communication research;
  • Competition analysis;
  • Price elasticity tests;
  • Mysterious client research in terms of service quality in a medical facility.
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